You might be thinking, “This sounds great, Armenia Cell Phone Numbers List but I need examples. How do businesses increase conversions with CRO?” We’ll answer this question in the next few statistics. Source: Digital Operative 2. Walmart boosted their online sales by 20% While this case study is a bit older, it still holds valuable information about CRO. A few years ago, Walmart found that their target audience (moms) ditched in-person shopping for online shopping. With this in mind, Walmart: Redesigned their website for tablets and mobiles Improved site loading time
Optimized their site navigation With these Armenia Cell Phone Numbers List few changes, their sales skyrocketed by 20%. This goes to show how important user-focused websites are. Source: ElasticPath 3. SmartWool increased their sock sales by 17.1 percent SmartWool is another example of CRO success. They raised their sock sales by 17.1% with one simple change… can you guess what it was? Image sizing. Yeah, SmartWool got more sales by changing the image size of their product (socks). Apparently, their customers like larger images. Who would’ve known without
conversion rate optimization? Source: Armenia Cell Phone Numbers List Optimizely 4. Taloon increased conversions by 12% Here’s another interesting story. Taloon is a hardware company based in Finland. Their product pages weren’t selling as much as they wanted, so they started A/B testing. They used A/B testing to decide if their social media sharing buttons increased sales or not. It turns out, social media sharing distracted customers from finishing a purchase. Once they removed these buttons, sales increased by 12%! This is surprising, as many marketers encourage social