Want an extra layer of protection for your vehicles paint that lasts years moreover than months? Need something to protect your vehicle from the environments containment's such as dirt, bugs, bird droppings, etc..? Then what you are looking for is a ceramic coating. Ceramic Coating acts almost as a secondary clear coat for protection on your vehicle. This liquid polymer is applied by hand to the vehicles paint that then bonds to it creating an extra layer. The ceramic coating can last up to 2-3 years or more depending on the care of the vehicle. Some other things ceramic coating does is protect from oxidization, UV damage, and even from chemical stains. Another benefit from having a ceramic coat is the ease of cleaning. Ceramic Coating is hydrophobic, meaning it repels waters. So when dirt and grime stick to your vehicle, or when it rains, a quick rinse on your vehicle can make it look completely clean. In other words, washing your vehicle will require far less effort. The final benefit of ceramic coating is the extra gloss it will give your vehicle. Your car/truck will be almost like a moving mirror!
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